

The Thruster provides a consistent force to the bit by balancing hydraulics (differential pressure) and mechanics (weight on bit). This balance provides smooth energy transfer to the bit, even in the most erratic of scenarios.


High shock and vibration, particularly in increasingly long laterals, can rapidly increase drilling costs. However, using aggressive bits to increase ROP and obtain quick performance can result in damages and associated trips for new bits and BHA components.


The Thruster reduces shock and vibration to ensure the reliability of BHA components and bits. It provides a consistent force to the bit by balancing hydraulics (back pressure below tool) and mechanics (weight on bit). This balance provides smooth energy transfer to the bit – even in erratic circumstances.


As operators continue to push limits in extreme conditions, TAQA’s Thruster works to reduce risks. We analyze the BHA, well profile and drilling performance requirements and discuss specific objectives with your drilling team. This communication and bespoke approach ensures optimal performance from any mechanical thruster.

Main features

  • Reduces shock and vibration.
  • Consistent drilling parameters.
  • Longer BHA runs.
  • Reduced section times

Surface and intermediate sections

  • Reduces shock and vibration.
  • Reduces damage to bits and other BHA components.
  • Reduces weight and torque swings.
  • Consistent parameters through tough transitions.
  • Consistent bit engagement through interbedding.

Curve and lateral sections

  • Consistent bit engagement.
  • Tighter and more consistent drilling parameters.
  • Reduces MWD failures.
  • Reduces damage to bits and other BHA components.
  • Compatible with vibratory tools to assist with bit engagement.


Single Acting Thruster

  • Operates in compression.
  • High WOB, high angle, and lateral applications.
  • Recommended for curve and lateral section.
  • 24″ of stroke down.

Dual Acting Thruster

  • Operates in compression and tension.
  • Vertical, tangent, curve, and lateral applications.
  • Greater flexibility in BHA placement.
  • 12″ of stroke up and 12″ of stroke down.


Thruster - Create Consistency and Reduce Dysfunction